Activism is being demonstrated by what may be one of the most engaged generations ever. Volunteerism by college students is at an all-time high. Young citizens, with the help of the Internet's ability to inform and network, are full participants in controversies surrounding environmental policies, global trade, media consolidation and other international, national and local issues.
Politics, on the other hand, is viewed by many as a spectator sport — and a distasteful one. For many, political campaigns mean sitting at home passively while being manipulated by attack ads and half-truths. Dominated by big money, critical issues are ignored. Not surprisingly, politics has been viewed with skepticism by many, especially the young.
This year, however, is different. In fact, President Bush may turn out to be the great uniter after all.
The Policy Shop is the blog of the Oklahoma Institute for Social Policy. This blog provides timely news and information and provides a forum for the free and open exchange of ideas about social and policy issues in Oklahoma.